Get in touch
We will try and help you
Please note: although everyone can freely use the Toolkits, personal communication and help is reserved to Family Network Members
WBGFN Mailing Address
1818 H Street NW, Room MC4-410
Washington DC 20433
Telephone: 202-473-8751
WBGFN Office Location
1818 H Street NW, Room MC4-200
Washington DC 20006
Office walk-in hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 10am to 2pm
Do visit WBGFN Support
What users say
Great! Where were the Tools to Mov Toolkits when we started 30 years ago? We would have needed them even more in those days.

The Toolkits are very much needed!

The psychological information and practical hints
for relocation are very helpful.

There are so many people in distress upon relocating.
...spread the word that they are not alone in feeling upset!

I enjoyed learning from the Toolkits...
The content strikes me as eminently user-friendly...

What I loved the most...
is to know that many spouses feel the same.

I have read all the Toolkits and
they are excellent—A great help in moving on!

The Toolkits are wonderfully planned and
contain very valuable information.

These toolkits are indeed very informative and helpful.

The toolkits make me realize once again how lucky and privileged I am for being part of the Family Network, who has got us covered.

The toolkits are incredibly practical, relevant, valuable resources.

The tools and the text are great, and I really appreciated the bibliography about third culture kids.