
Family Network Members' Stories​

How Can I Love the Nomadic Life?

How Can I Love the Nomadic Life?

  A friend of mine once told me I was addicted to change. And while I do like some stability in my life, it is

Building Successful Communities

Building Successful Communities

Finding your tribe and setting up a strong support system in a new place are key factors in a successful relocation. Whether you have been

Man! Why is it so hard?

Man! Why is it so hard?

Although many of the challenges facing the accompanying spouse are similar for both male and female partners/spouses, the male accompanying spouse often faces additional issues that are gender-based.

Transition tips

Transition Tips

What choice did they really have? The parents understood it was hard for the kids, but this was their chance of a lifetime to get ahead, to make a difference in the world as well as their careers.

Celebrating the Non-traditional Fathers

Celebrating the Non-traditional Fathers

Human lives are shaped by rules about how men and women are supposed to be: our ideas, choices, preferences, and behaviors. Patriarchal cultures impose rigid

Working as a Team Even When One is Away

No decision to move away from family, friends, career is ever taken lightly. However, the reality of our choices often feels like it’s more than

Impact of High Mobility on Our Children

Impact of High Mobility on Our Children,

Once we make the decision to have a globally mobile career, the lives of our children are inevitably changed. They become third culture kids. (A

Maybe yes, maybe no

Relocating? Never, or maybe yes?

These days I have been looking back at the past year: Finally I was calm and relaxed again, able to take the past into view.

Prepared for partnerships

Prepared for Partnership

Imagine answering a knock on the door and being greeted with a warm and reassuring smile in a new country. Now imagine, the last knock

It’s important for people going through the upheaval of transition to know that they are not alone. Sharing a story about your own challenges can help you as well as offer encouragement and support to others with similar experiences. Sharing your story also helps promote understanding and empathy to people around you.


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